Learn to take care of yourself while working in the mental health field! 

Are you feeling burnt out and not having time for the creative interventions you practiced early on in your practice? Are you struggling to find the time to be with your family and to practice self-care? Are you overwhelmed with trying to find Spanish resources to use in sessions? You’re not alone!

Having a work life balance doesn’t happen by accident!

Learn how to provide solid sessions with families and have access to resources and tools that will help you save time in having to search for them by joining the Bilingual Therapy Aid Community. Free up time to have more fun with your family and to do the things that you love with less stress!


Get your FREE video-

4 Communication Styles

You won't want to miss out on this great resource to use in session with your clients!

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Imagine You Could...

Access quality resources in English and Spanish.
Free up time to spend with your family.
Practice self-care consistently. 

This is not another course you take on your own! You are not alone. 

The Bilingual Therapy Aid Community is an interactive and collaborative experience! You will join me and other mental health providers inside the community. 


Imagine being surrounded by others who understand your struggle and have experienced similar hardships as you! Our community is here to….
  •  Encourage you when you’re down
  •  Help you reach your goals
  •  Help promote self care so that you can practice what you teach
  •  Hold you accountable
A group of mental health providers on a mission to grow, practice self-care, and help others achieve the same! And in the process being able to change the community around them!

What's Inside The Membership?

Connect with our community! Ask questions, get answers, and have fun in our community forums. They are open 24/7 so you never have to go at it alone. There are also monthly challenges that will promote making connections, getting active, and taking care of yourself.



 Join monthly Q&A calls for accountability, encouragement, and trainings for a variety of topics. Each month you can join us from the comfort of your home to ask questions.







We have curated our best content for you! You will have access to courses that will provide guidance and training in different situations. You will also have access to videos and worksheets in English and Spanish to use in sessions.






Become a member!

Become a member to get unlimited access to the Bilingual Therapy Aid Community. It’s the fastest way to feel the full benefits of living a balanced life.



BETA/Founding Member Special

  • Bilingual Therapy Aid Online Courses.

  • Monthly Members Only Call- Come and hang out with Amy, the founder of BTA, and other members in the community to ask questions and to learn about different topics. 

  • Bilingual Therapy Aid Private Forum- Ask questions, share stories, elaborate Wins, and update us on your progress in the monthly challenges at any time. 

Sign me up



You get 2 months for FREE!

  • Bilingual Therapy Aid Online Courses.

  • Monthly Members Only Call- Come and hang out with Amy, the founder of BTA, and other members in the community to ask questions and to learn about different topics. 

  • Bilingual Therapy Aid Private Forum- Ask questions, share stories, elaborate Wins, and update us on your progress in the monthly challenges at any time. 

Sign me up

Coaching Package


ONE TIME PAYMENT- Includes 1 Year Membership!

  • Bilingual Therapy Aid Online Courses.
  • Monthly Members Only Call- Come and hang out with Amy, the founder of BTA, and other members in the community to ask questions and to learn about different topics. 
  • Bilingual Therapy Aid Private Forum- Ask questions, share stories, elaborate Wins, and update us on your progress in the monthly challenges at any time. 
  • PLUS: Twelve 45min 1-on-1 coaching sessions with Amy.
Sign me up